1. The requirement of security deposit and agreement for work from home facility for OSPs is exempted.
2. The requirement of authorized service providers provisioned secured VPN is exempted. During this period, the OSPs are permitted to use secured VPN configured using 'Static IP' address by themselves for interaction between home agent position and OSP center with pre-defined locations. In this regard, the agents at home shall be treated as Extended Agent Position of OSP.
3. The requirement of seeking prior permission for work from home facility is exempted. The OSPs are now required to provide prior intimation to the respective LSA field units of DoT before starting work from home facility. While intimating the field units, the OSPs shall submit the complete details for 'Extended Agent Positions' i.e. name, physical address and static IP address assigned thereto. The CDRs / call logs shall be maintained by OSPs for one year as per existing guidelines.
4. In case of violation of terms and conditions of work from home facility by any agent or employee and/or by OSP during this period, the OSP shall be subjected to a penalty up to ₹5,00000 per work from home location which is in violation. In addition to above, the OSP registration is also liable to be cancelled.
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